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The Main Safe Lock Options

10/27/2015 Back To Blog

Both companies and homeowners can benefit greatly from safe installation. This type of device helps to keep documents, small amounts of cash and compact valuables such as jewelry secure. The best part is that modern safes are more reliable and more affordable than ever before. There is a wide variety of models to pick from as well. At the same time, making a choice can be challenging especially for people who have little or no technical knowledge in this field. Here you will find useful information on the different types of safe locks and advice on how to select the best one for your needs.The Main Safe Lock Options

The Best Safe Lock for Your Needs

The most basic type of lock which a safe can benefit from is the simple mechanical one. It usually has a cover for full protection of the items inside from the external environment. You will typically get a set of two keys along with the device - one for general use and one to keep as spare. This type of lock offers good, but not high security. Additionally, it has a few notable drawbacks. The main one is that you may lose the keys. The second one is that you will have to put effort in maintaining the door lock in good condition.

There are safes with basic combination locks as well. These are mechanical locks which require a combination of three numbers for unlocking. They are also quite basic and offer medium security. The main advantage of a combination lock is that you do not have to worry about protecting a physical key from loss, damage and theft.

The dial locking mechanism is the classic option for safes. Some consider it to be outdated, but it is actually extremely reliable. The risk of dial malfunction is quite low. In order to unlock the safe, you will need to enter a combination of three or four numbers by turning the dial. This may be a little bit challenging in the beginning as precision is required, but once you get the hang of it, you will do it very quickly. Even though this type of door lockset may appear a bit old-fashioned, it is definitely a great choice.

The electronic lock is dependable and easy to use. It has pretty much the same operation as modern security door locks. On the safe's door, there is a keypad for entering a code which can be up to eight digits long. Once the correct code is entered, you simply need to press the handle. Some more advanced electronic locksets give you the option of creating a different code for each safe user. This is quite convenient while helping you keep track of who uses the device.

Compare the different options carefully in line with your individual needs and budget.

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